Bottega Veneta總監都讀什麼書?聯手紐約必朝聖The Strand書店打造限量聯名托特包

2023春夏紐約時裝週在中秋連假期間悄悄開始,義大利編織品牌Bottega Veneta以不同的方式參與當地時尚盛宴,找上紐約最具名的書店The Strand共同聯名推出文藝托特包,創意總監Matthieu Blazy更同時揭曉設計人的讀書清單!

Photo/ Bottega Veneta、Amazon

Bottega Veneta總監都讀什麼書?聯手紐約必朝聖The Strand書店打造限量聯名托特包

如果說誠品書局承載著台灣圖書文化,那麼紐約的文藝擔當就是有近百年歷史的The Strand書店!創立於1927年,The Strand最初僅靠著600美金,以二手書店的經營模式起家,時至今日在寸土寸金的紐約市當中攢下4個據點,其本店更是囊括了四層樓之多的藏書、黑膠唱片和其他文房小物。不只是旅人們來到紐約必訪,也是演員、作家、設計人經常關顧、吸取藝文精華的寶庫,就連Bottega Veneta的創意總監Matthieu Blazy也在列。

Bottega Veneta X The Strand聯名托特包

The Strand的托特包一直是大家到訪後必買的紀念品品項,趁著紐約為時裝週季節揭開序幕,Bottega Veneta與書店共同推出前者拿手的編織包,能夠裝載書本的大容量托特包,在經典黑色皮革上印上The Strand的紅色橢圓標誌圖樣。

值得一提的是,The Strand的logo上有著一句:「18英里長的書。(18 miles of books.)」說明了店裡藏書的豐富,據說現在店內的書本排排站好已可達23英里(相當於37公里)!

另外兩款平滑皮革材質的托特包款,一個是與前一款編織包類似的肩背款,另一個則為短提把的樣式。以上包款即日起~9/15期間在Bottega Veneta Soho專賣店限定販售。

Bottega Veneta公開書單

可曾好奇時尚總監們的生活是什麼樣子?他們都吃些什麼、讀什麼樣的書?繼上次的Bottega Veneta質感選物,本次與The Strand的合作,創意總監Matthiew Blazy親自選入了41本書,內容包含藝術、攝影、時尚、建築、美食等各式題材:

推薦讀本1:In the American West by Richard Avedon

《In the American West》為一本已絕版的攝影集,作者是被譽為「20世紀最偉大的攝影師」的Richard Avedon。時尚與肖像攝影為主要強項,《In the American West》以強烈的黑白對比刻劃出美國西部男女們模樣。

推薦讀本2:Tsutsumu: The Origins of Japanese Packaging by岡秀行


推薦讀本3:Entryways of Milans by Fabrizio Ballabio & Daniel Sherer


推薦讀本4:Breakfast at the Wolseley by A.A Gill

A.A Gill是英國頗具名氣的美食評論家,2008年所出版《Breakfast at the Wolseley》,揭開了倫敦超人氣英式早餐餐廳The Wolseley的背後經營秘辛,包含了餐廳如合在維持傳統的前提下跟上時代腳步,也一併公開餐廳招牌菜的食譜們!


Mica/12 by Willy Vanderperre

Buildings and Projects: 1923-1950 by Richard Neutra

Andra Ursuta: 2000 Words by Karen Marta and Massimiliano Gioni

Anne Collier by Anne Collier

Les Onze Mille Verges by Guillaume Apollinaire

Carl Andre Sculptor 1996 by Carl Andre

Carlo Scarpa: the Complete Works by Carlo Scarpa

Catherine Opie by Catherine Opie

Dressing for Pleasure in Rubber, Vinyl and Leather: The Best of AtomAge 1972-1980 by Jonny Trunk

Hollywood Arensberg: Avant-Garde Collecting in Midcentury L.A. by Mark Nelson, William H. Sherman

Hujar: Intimate Survey by Peter Hujar

Image Machine: Andy Warhol and Photography by Raphaela Platow and Synne Genzmer

Je Dors, je Travaille by Valentine Schlegel

La Borne: 1940-1980: A Postwar Movement of Ceramic Expression in France by Maud Leonhardt Santini

Le Défilé by Jean Paul Gaultier and Regine Chopinot

Les Hommes de la Danse by Michel Huet

Lisa Yuskavage: Babie Brood, Small Paintings, 1985–2018 by Lisa Yuskavage

Lynette Yiadom-Boakye

Mach Dich Hübsch! by Isa Genzken

Fiorucci Made Me Hardcore by Mark Leckey

Neue Welt by Wolfgang Tillmans

Out in the World with Gaetano Pesce by Gaetano Pesce

Pierre Chapo: A Modern Craftsman by Pierre Chapo

Polaroids by Francois Halard

Robot by Pierre Boogaerts

Sterling Ruby/Robert Mapplethorpe by Ed Schad

The Land in Between by Ursula Schulz-Dornburg

The Olmecs: America’s First Civilization by Richard A. Diehl

The Well by Nigel Shafran

The Workshop by Carl Aubock

The Young and Evil: Queer Modernism in New York, 1930–1955 by Jarrett Earnest, by Ann Reynolds

Uncommon Places by Stephen Shore

Alvaro Barrington: Artist Book “Crosses” by Standard Edition, Alvaro Barrington

Cooking with Scorsese: The Cookbook by HaTo Press

Eye Love You by Ed van der Elsken

La saga Hélène et les garcons

 Uncovered by Pierre Debusschere

